Distinguish the Notion of ‘Wu’ (物) and ‘Shi’ (實) , Review The Ming-xue (名學) of Kong-sun Long : Use Xun-Zi as a Reference

Author:Sheng-Bo Chen Wei Li

Abstract / PDF Download

Suffering the problem of Ming-Shi-Xiang-Yuan (名實相怨) in Pre-Qin era, Zhu-zi (諸子) , which include Kong-sun Long, are thus paying more attentions to the notion of Ming (名) . The principle of Yi-Shi-Zheng-Ming (以實正名)purposed by him, however, meets with no acceptant of contemporaneous Zhu-zi.The repulsion of Xun Zi, which argues that “making a delusory usage of Ming, could disturb (the orders of) Shi (實) (we have recognized)”, refers to the practice of Kong-sun Long. Provoking criticism universally, the theory of Kong-sun Long is of so distinctive objective, that differs from the general notions of philosophy in that period. In short, the two diversions of Ming (名) , to which Kong-sun Long refers, are on one hand to signify (on certain individual), the “Wu Ming”; while on the other hand to refer (the nature of the individual itself), the “Shi Ming”, are discovered by Kong-sun Long. The value and doctrine of which highlighted by him is obviously the later, which overlooked in that period, would rather be regarded as Metaphysical rather than logical. It is even significant to discover and elaborate of philosophy of Kong-sun Long, while comparing with the thoughts of contemporaneous Zhu-zi and the other philosophers in the process of development of latter Chinese philosophy.

Keywords: Kong-sun Long、Ming、Shi、Wu