
Author:Ko-Chuan Chang

Abstract /

Hegel`s Thought of Education in Nürnberg Period, essentially on the basis of the theory of the immanence of "Weltgeist" in Phänomenologie des Geistes, developed an idea of the education of well-rounded, integrated person. He contends that the low level professional education may not achieve such ideal of education and that we should develop the general middle school education as universal as possible. Hegel approved the science and culture of the ancient Greece and Rome. He believed that their substantial contents have an extremely high spiritual value and may cultivate the inner basis of the mind of every person. From the viewpoint of “Konkretes Denken”, developed from the concept of “Dialektik”, the political ideal of education is the Roman Stoic synthesis of nationalism and cosmopolitism; the best pedagogic method is a combination of passive reception and active reflection: the effect of education has both cultural, spiritual value and profit in social status or personal economic life; both direct method and indirect method of moral education have their advantages; both laissez-faire and rigorism in moral discipline have their merits. The immanence of “Weltgeist” implies the infinite potentiality of the mental development of human nature and denies the necessity to leave school because of failing grade. The curriculum of philosophy in middle school is indispensable to the education of the individual person in its entirety, and it is also the best way to develop philosophy.
