On Sublimation of Critical Spirit– The Ideal of Education of Sākyamuni

Author:Hui-nan Yang

Abstract /

The main religious doctrines of Śākyamuni are the Four Noble Truths and the theory of Arising-from-Conditional-Causation derived from the sublimation of critical spirit of Śākyamuni. He criticizes the theism, the life sacrifice, and the social institution of four classes of Brāhmanism; and the extreme views on hedonism of Cārvāka and ascetic of Jaina. Those criticisms are derived from the theory of Arising-from-Conditional-Causation. The Four Noble Truths is established on the foundation of anti-metaphysics. Śākyamuni is "A Silent Saint". He never replies any metaphysical questions, including Ten Indeterminable Questions. The Four Noble Truths is very pragmatistic. It is based on a criticism of metaphysics.
