Love and Truth–A Dialogue with Gabriel Marcel

Author:Wing-Chung Kwan

Abstract /

The article is divided into four sections, i.e.,Section I: Traditional Metaphysics on TruthSection II: A Response from Gabriel MarcelSection IIII: Truth as Seen from the Perspective of LoveSection IV: The Interconnectedness between Love and Truth Thomas Aquinas, as the representative of classical metaphysicians, proposes that truth is the adequation between one`s intellect and its object. From the perspective of the object known, truth has its foundation in the intelligibility of the thing itself. Whereas, from the perspective of the knower, truth is the conformity of one`s knowing, (especially one`s judgment), to the actual content of the known object. Moreover, from the perspective of the Ultimate Being, truth has its highest manifestation in God`s Noesis Noeseos. To such a thesis, Marcel has the following responses: 1. Truth is not only an adequation between the intellect and the thing known, it is also a value I cherish so that I may even give up my life in order to bear witness to truth, as in the case of Bruno`s martyrdom. 2. The intelligibility of the thing known can be regarded as its process of unconcealment, as explained by Martin Heidegger.3. As to the person who knows, the process of unconcealment also includes the courage to `face` the truth on the part of the subject, as in the case of the parents` final willing to admit that their child is abnormal. 4. From the perspective of the Divine Being, Marcel would be willing to emphasize that man`s exigence for transcendence reveals the fact of God being the U1timate Source of Truth and Light. If we reflect on the essence of truth from the eye of love, we may come to know that the more we love a being, the deeper we may penetrate into the core of her existence. The love from the part of the lover makes possible the beloved to manifest herself in a positive manner. And, the love one has enables the lover to open his heart to the beloved so that he may allow himself to receive the revelation of the beloved to the fullest possible extent. Furthermore, from the inner life of the Divine, His Noesis Noeseos is no difference from His perfect love of Himself and of His creatures, since God is Truth and Love as such. Hence, we may conclude conclude that the names of `truth` and `love` are convertible to one another; and, love can be regarded as a Transcendental Attribute on the par of the One, the True, the Good, and the Beautiful.
